Wednesday, October 18, 2006

for whom are we living for??

just recovering from the hibernation please bare with me if my language is lethargic at places.

For whom are we really living for.....our daily schedules are so busy and monotonic i get a feeling people( or atleast me) are losing their focus on what they really want and what they are doing to get there....

life is just moving along like a rudderless ship not knowing what to do next. We can positively put forward this state as " being and living in the present" i wish i was so ignorant as ignorance is bliss.
people walk into ur lives ...demand ur time, ur attention etc etc . We go ahead doing all the stuff we need not do, but we do them just to make them happy or just to see a smile on their faces. the real pain is when they in the same casual manner just walk out of ur life. Then we sit down and ponder about all the deeds we have done. The same actions which made us proud once will now make no sense and make us look stupid. At the end of it all is it really worth it???

The solution for this is ......just do ur own stuff,go ahead with things caring a damn for what others might say,say what u feel is right....basically call a spade a spade. But the problem with this attitude is people might mistake you for being arrogant , high headed .....

But then again man is a social animal and is responsible for the so called 'society' around still not sure how far this attitude will take me.....

still pondering ....for whom are we really living for......